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This is a function to easily input experimental design elements for later merging with read data


  nrows = NULL,
  ncols = NULL,
  block_row_names = NULL,
  block_col_names = NULL,
  wellnames_sep = "",
  wellnames_colname = "Well",
  wellnames_Excel = TRUE,
  lookup_tbl_start = 1,
  pattern_split = "",
  colnames_first = FALSE,


nrows, ncols

Number of rows and columns in the plate data

block_row_names, block_col_names

Names of the rows, columns of the plate blockmeasures data


A string used when concatenating rownames and column names to create well names


Header for newly-created column containing the well names


If block_row_names or block_col_names are not specified, should rows and columns be named using Excel-style base-26 lettering for rows and numbering for columns? If FALSE, rows and columns will be numbered with "R" and "C" prefix.


Value in the lookup table for the split pattern values that corresponds to the first value in the vector.

Lookup table by default is c(1,2,...,8,9,A,B,...Y,Z,a,b,...,y,z). If, for example, lookup_tbl_start = "A", then the lookup table will now be c(A,B,...Y,Z,a,b,...,y,z)


character to split pattern elements provided in ... by


In the wellnames created by paste-ing the rownames and column names, should the column names come first


Each ... argument must be a list with five elements:

1. a vector of the values

2. a vector of the rows the pattern should be applied to

3. a vector of the columns the pattern should be applied to

4. a string of the pattern itself, where numbers refer to the indices in the values vector

0's refer to NA

This pattern will be split using pattern_split, which defaults to every character

5. a logical for whether this pattern should be filled byrow


a tidy-shaped data.frame containing all the design elements


Note that either nrows or block_row_names must be provided and that either ncols or block_col_names must be provided

Examples: my_example <- make_tidydesign(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, design_element_name = list(c("Value1", "Value2", "Value3"), rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend, "111222333000", TRUE) To make it easier to pass arguments, use make_designpattern: my_example <- make_tidydesign(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, design_element_name = make_designpattern(values = c("L", "G", "C"), rows = 2:7, cols = 2:11, pattern = "11223300", byrow = TRUE))