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Where are we so far?

  1. Introduction: vignette("gc01_gcplyr")
  2. Importing and reshaping data: vignette("gc02_import_reshape")
  3. Incorporating experimental designs: vignette("gc03_incorporate_designs")
  4. Pre-processing and plotting your data: vignette("gc04_preprocess_plot")
  5. Processing your data: vignette("gc05_process")
  6. Analyzing your data: vignette("gc06_analyze")
  7. Dealing with noise: vignette("gc07_noise")
  8. Best practices and other tips: vignette("gc08_conclusion")
  9. Working with multiple plates: vignette("gc09_multiple_plates")
  10. Using make_design to generate experimental designs: vignette("gc10_using_make_design")

So far, we’ve imported and transformed our measures data into R. Now we’re going to address how to incorporate our experimental design.

If you haven’t already, load the necessary packages.

#> ## 
#> ## gcplyr (Version 1.11.0, Build Date: 2025-01-16)
#> ## See for additional documentation
#> ## Please cite software as:
#> ##   Blazanin, Michael. gcplyr: an R package for microbial growth
#> ##   curve data analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 25, 232 (2024).
#> ##
#> ##

Including design elements

We often want to combine our data with information about the experimental design. gcplyr enables incorporation of design elements in two ways:

  1. Designs can be imported from files
  2. Designs can be generated in R using make_design

If you’re interested in generating your designs in R, see vignette("gc10_using_make_design")

When reading design elements from files, gcplyr can read block-shaped or tidy-shaped design files:

  • If design files are block-shaped, they can be read with import_blockdesigns
  • If design files are tidy-shaped, they can simply be read with read_tidys

Importing block-shaped design files

To import block-shaped design files, use import_blockdesigns, which will return a tidy-shaped designs data frame (or list of data frames).

import_blockdesigns only requires a list of filenames (or relative file paths) and will return a data.frame (or list of data frames) in a tidy format that you can save in R.

A basic example

Let’s look at an example. First, we need to create an example file for the sake of this tutorial (normally you’d create this file in Excel)

make_example(vignette = 3, example = 1, dir = ".")
#> Files have been written
#> [1] "./mydesign.csv"

Now let’s take a look at what the file looks like:

print_df(read.csv("mydesign.csv", header = FALSE, colClasses = "character"))
#>     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
#> A Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> B Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> C Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> D Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> E Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> F Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> G Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> H Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2

Here we can see that our design has Treatment 1 on the left-hand side of the plate (wells in columns 1 through 6), and Treatment 2 on the right-hand side of the plate (wells in columns 7 through 12). Let’s import this design using import_blockdesigns, saving it with the column name Treatment_numbers.

my_design <- import_blockdesigns(files = "mydesign.csv", 
                                 block_names = "Treatment_numbers")
head(my_design, 20)
#>    Well Treatment_numbers
#> 1    A1               Tr1
#> 2    A2               Tr1
#> 3    A3               Tr1
#> 4    A4               Tr1
#> 5    A5               Tr1
#> 6    A6               Tr1
#> 7    A7               Tr2
#> 8    A8               Tr2
#> 9    A9               Tr2
#> 10  A10               Tr2
#> 11  A11               Tr2
#> 12  A12               Tr2
#> 13   B1               Tr1
#> 14   B2               Tr1
#> 15   B3               Tr1
#> 16   B4               Tr1
#> 17   B5               Tr1
#> 18   B6               Tr1
#> 19   B7               Tr2
#> 20   B8               Tr2

Importing multiple block-shaped design elements

What do you do if you have multiple designs? For instance, what if you have several strains each in several treatments? In that case, you have two options:

  1. Save each design component as a separate file, or in separate blocks within a file
  2. Save the design components pasted together in a single file

Regardless of which option you use, you can then import them all in one go with import_blockdesigns.

Importing multiple block-shaped designs in separate files

First, let’s create both our example designs files. Again, just imagine that you’ve created these files in Excel.

make_example(vignette = 3, example = 1, dir = ".")
#> Files have been written
#> [1] "./mydesign.csv"
make_example(vignette = 3, example = 2, dir = ".")
#> Files have been written
#> [1] "./mydesign2.csv"

Now let’s take a look at what these files looks like:

print_df(read.csv("mydesign.csv", header = FALSE, colClasses = "character"))
#>     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
#> A Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> B Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> C Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> D Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> E Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> F Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> G Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
#> H Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr1 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2 Tr2
print_df(read.csv("mydesign2.csv", header = FALSE, colClasses = "character"))
#>      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12
#> A StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA
#> B StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA
#> C StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB
#> D StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB
#> E StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC
#> F StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC
#> G StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD
#> H StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD

As before, we have Treatment 1 on the left-hand side, and Treatment 2 on the right-hand side. In addition, we now also have Strain A in the first two rows, Strain B in the next two rows, and so on.

Let’s now import both designs using import_blockdesigns, saving them to columns named Treatment_numbers and Strain_letters.

my_design <- 
  import_blockdesigns(files = c("mydesign.csv", "mydesign2.csv"), 
                      block_names = c("Treatment_numbers", "Strain_letters"))
#> Inferred 'into' column names as: Treatment_numbers, Strain_letters
head(my_design, 20)
#>    Well Treatment_numbers Strain_letters
#> 1    A1               Tr1           StrA
#> 2    A2               Tr1           StrA
#> 3    A3               Tr1           StrA
#> 4    A4               Tr1           StrA
#> 5    A5               Tr1           StrA
#> 6    A6               Tr1           StrA
#> 7    A7               Tr2           StrA
#> 8    A8               Tr2           StrA
#> 9    A9               Tr2           StrA
#> 10  A10               Tr2           StrA
#> 11  A11               Tr2           StrA
#> 12  A12               Tr2           StrA
#> 13   B1               Tr1           StrA
#> 14   B2               Tr1           StrA
#> 15   B3               Tr1           StrA
#> 16   B4               Tr1           StrA
#> 17   B5               Tr1           StrA
#> 18   B6               Tr1           StrA
#> 19   B7               Tr2           StrA
#> 20   B8               Tr2           StrA

Importing multiple separated block-shaped designs in one file

If you have your blocks separated but saved in the same file, you simply specify the location of each block within the file:

make_example(vignette = 3, example = 3, dir = ".")
#> Files have been written
#> [1] "./mydesign_sep.csv"

#Print what the file looks like
print_df(read.csv("mydesign_sep.csv", header = FALSE, colClasses = "character"))
#>      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12
#> A  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#> B  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#> C  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#> D  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#> E  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#> F  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#> G  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#> H  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr1  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2  Tr2
#>      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12
#> A StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA
#> B StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA StrA
#> C StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB
#> D StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB StrB
#> E StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC
#> F StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC StrC
#> G StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD
#> H StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD StrD

#Read in the designs
my_design <- 
  import_blockdesigns(files = c("mydesign_sep.csv"), 
                      block_names = c("Treatment_numbers", "Strain_letters"),
                      startrow = c(1, 11), endrow = c(9, 19))
#> Inferred 'into' column names as: Treatment_numbers, Strain_letters
head(my_design, 20)
#>    Well Treatment_numbers Strain_letters
#> 1    A1               Tr1           StrA
#> 2    A2               Tr1           StrA
#> 3    A3               Tr1           StrA
#> 4    A4               Tr1           StrA
#> 5    A5               Tr1           StrA
#> 6    A6               Tr1           StrA
#> 7    A7               Tr2           StrA
#> 8    A8               Tr2           StrA
#> 9    A9               Tr2           StrA
#> 10  A10               Tr2           StrA
#> 11  A11               Tr2           StrA
#> 12  A12               Tr2           StrA
#> 13   B1               Tr1           StrA
#> 14   B2               Tr1           StrA
#> 15   B3               Tr1           StrA
#> 16   B4               Tr1           StrA
#> 17   B5               Tr1           StrA
#> 18   B6               Tr1           StrA
#> 19   B7               Tr2           StrA
#> 20   B8               Tr2           StrA

Importing multiple pasted block-shaped designs

Alternative to saving your designs separated, often it may be easiest to save all the design information into a single block, separating the distinct components of the design with some character.

To demonstrate this, first let’s create our example designs file. Again, just imagine that you’ve created this file in Excel.

make_example(vignette = 3, example = 4, dir = ".")
#> Files have been written
#> [1] "./mydesign_pasted.csv"

Now let’s take a look at what the file looks like:

print_df(read.csv("mydesign_pasted.csv", header = FALSE, colClasses = "character")[, 1:10])
#>          1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9
#> A Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr2_StrA Tr2_StrA Tr2_StrA
#> B Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr1_StrA Tr2_StrA Tr2_StrA Tr2_StrA
#> C Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr2_StrB Tr2_StrB Tr2_StrB
#> D Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr1_StrB Tr2_StrB Tr2_StrB Tr2_StrB
#> E Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr2_StrC Tr2_StrC Tr2_StrC
#> F Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr1_StrC Tr2_StrC Tr2_StrC Tr2_StrC
#> G Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr2_StrD Tr2_StrD Tr2_StrD
#> H Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr1_StrD Tr2_StrD Tr2_StrD Tr2_StrD

As before, we have Treatment 1 on the left-hand side, and Treatment 2 on the right-hand side, with Strain A in the first two rows, Strain B in the next two rows, and so on. However, this information is now pasted together, with “_” as the separating string (you can use any string as a separator).

To import this design with import_blockdesigns, we simply need to specify the sep string, as well as the output column names. Since the designs have been pasted together, the column names will result from splitting the designs apart. The easiest way to specify these split column names is to use the into argument passed to separate_tidy [if into is not specified, import_blockdesigns will attempt to split the block_names (either specified or inferred) with sep to generate the output column names].

my_design <- 
  import_blockdesigns(files = "mydesign_pasted.csv", 
                      into = c("Treatment_numbers", "Strain_letters"),
                      sep = "_")
head(my_design, 20)
#>    Well Treatment_numbers Strain_letters
#> 1    A1               Tr1           StrA
#> 2    A2               Tr1           StrA
#> 3    A3               Tr1           StrA
#> 4    A4               Tr1           StrA
#> 5    A5               Tr1           StrA
#> 6    A6               Tr1           StrA
#> 7    A7               Tr2           StrA
#> 8    A8               Tr2           StrA
#> 9    A9               Tr2           StrA
#> 10  A10               Tr2           StrA
#> 11  A11               Tr2           StrA
#> 12  A12               Tr2           StrA
#> 13   B1               Tr1           StrA
#> 14   B2               Tr1           StrA
#> 15   B3               Tr1           StrA
#> 16   B4               Tr1           StrA
#> 17   B5               Tr1           StrA
#> 18   B6               Tr1           StrA
#> 19   B7               Tr2           StrA
#> 20   B8               Tr2           StrA

Importing tidy-shaped design files

You can import tidy-shaped designs with read_tidys.

read_tidys only requires a filename (or vector of filenames, or relative file paths) and will return a data.frame (or list of data.frames) that you can save in R.

Once these design elements have been read into the R environment, they are ready to merge.

Merging growth curve data with designs

Once we have both our design and data in R and tidy-shaped, we can merge them using merge_dfs.

To demonstrate this, we’ll use the data in the example_widedata_noiseless dataset that is included with gcplyr, and which was the source for our previous examples with import_blockmeasures and read_wides.

In the example_widedata_noiseless dataset, we have 48 different bacterial strains. The left side of the plate has all 48 strains in a single well each, and the right side of the plate also has all 48 strains in a single well each:

Row names Column 1 Column 6 Column 7 Column 12
Row A Strain #1 Strain #6 Strain #1 Strain #6
Row B Strain #7 Strain #12 Strain #7 Strain #12
Row G Strain #37 Strain #42 Strain #37 Strain #42
Row H Strain #43 Strain #48 Strain #43 Strain #48

Then, on the right hand side of the plate a phage was also inoculated (while the left hand side remained bacteria-only):

Row names Column 1 Column 6 Column 7 Column 12
Row A No Phage No Phage Phage Added Phage Added
Row B No Phage No Phage Phage Added Phage Added
Row G No Phage No Phage Phage Added Phage Added
Row H No Phage No Phage Phage Added Phage Added

Let’s transform the example_widedata_noiseless to tidy-shaped.

example_tidydata <- trans_wide_to_tidy(example_widedata_noiseless,
                                       id_cols = "Time")

gcplyr also includes the design for this data for easy use:

example_design <- example_design_tidy
#>   Well Bacteria_strain    Phage
#> 1   A1        Strain 1 No Phage
#> 2   A2        Strain 2 No Phage
#> 3   A3        Strain 3 No Phage
#> 4   A4        Strain 4 No Phage
#> 5   A5        Strain 5 No Phage
#> 6   A6        Strain 6 No Phage

Now that we have our data and designs tidy-shaped, we merge the two using merge_dfs, saving the result to ex_dat_mrg, short for example_data_merged. merge_dfs merges using columns with the same name between the two data.frames.

ex_dat_mrg <- merge_dfs(example_tidydata, example_design)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Well)`

#>   Time Well Measurements Bacteria_strain    Phage
#> 1    0   A1        0.002        Strain 1 No Phage
#> 2    0   B1        0.002        Strain 7 No Phage
#> 3    0   C1        0.002       Strain 13 No Phage
#> 4    0   D1        0.002       Strain 19 No Phage
#> 5    0   E1        0.002       Strain 25 No Phage
#> 6    0   F1        0.002       Strain 31 No Phage

What’s next?

Now that you’ve merged your data and designs, you can pre-process and plot your data

  1. Introduction: vignette("gc01_gcplyr")
  2. Importing and reshaping data: vignette("gc02_import_reshape")
  3. Incorporating experimental designs: vignette("gc03_incorporate_designs")
  4. Pre-processing and plotting your data: vignette("gc04_preprocess_plot")
  5. Processing your data: vignette("gc05_process")
  6. Analyzing your data: vignette("gc06_analyze")
  7. Dealing with noise: vignette("gc07_noise")
  8. Best practices and other tips: vignette("gc08_conclusion")
  9. Working with multiple plates: vignette("gc09_multiple_plates")
  10. Using make_design to generate experimental designs: vignette("gc10_using_make_design")