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This function uses paste to concatenate the same-location entries of a list of data.frames together (i.e. all the first row-first column values are pasted together, all the second row-first column values are pasted together, etc.)


paste_blocks(blocks, sep = "_", nested_metadata = NULL)



Blocks, either a single data.frame or a list of data.frames


String to use as separator for output pasted values


A logical indicating the existence of nested metadata in the blockmeasures list, e.g. as is typically output by read_blocks. If NULL, will attempt to infer existence of nested metadata


If nested_metadata = TRUE (or is inferred to be TRUE), a list containing a list containing: 1. a data.frame with the pasted data values from blocks, and 2. a vector with the pasted metadata values from blocks

If nested_metadata = FALSE (or is inferred to be FALSE), a list containing data.frame's with the pasted values from blocks